
If you want to add your animation, please add it to animator.ts and create a PR.

Svelte Aspire




to be Svelte's North Star

"Svelte exists to help us make better software." - Rich Harris

<script lang="ts">
  import { Animator } from '$lib';

<div class="max-w-6xl mx-auto">
  <div class="max-w-4xl mx-auto px-4 py-8 bg-[url('/images/northstar.webp')] bg-left-bottom">
    <div class="relative flex items-center justify-center h-96 overflow-hidden">
      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'zoomInDown' }]} duration={1500} hideEnd={true}>
        <h1 class="text-5xl font-bold text-blue-300">Svelte Aspire</h1>

      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'fadeInLeft' }]} hideEnd={true} duration={1500} hideFor={2000}>
        <h2 class="text-5xl text-emerald-600">Resilient</h2>

      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'bounceInRight' }]} hideEnd={true} duration={2000} hideFor={3500}>
        <p class="text-5xl text-rose-500">Accessible</p>

      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'rollIn' }]} hideEnd={true} duration={1500} hideFor={5500}>
        <h3 class="text-5xl text-amber-600">Delightful</h3>

      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'jackInTheBox' }]} hideEnd={true} duration={2000} hideFor={7000}>
        <p class="text-5xl text-cyan-300">to be Svelte's North Star</p>

      <Animator class="absolute" animations={[{ action: 'fadeInUp' }]} hideFor={9500}>
        <p class="text-4xl text-white text-center">"Svelte exists to help us make better software." - Rich Harris</p>